The Dawn Grant Award

Wow.  Check it out!  We are speechless, and so full of thanks to everyone who helped us with this project.

Dawn Grant Certificate

a letter from AEF Board President, Jane Biondi:


Dear Eileen and Melody,


The Arlington Education Foundation has recognized Art.Food.Community. as our Dawn Moses Memorial Grant for the 2014-2015 year.  Each year the AEF Board gives special recognition to the Innovations in Education grant that most embodies creativity, rigor and commitment to the students and teachers of Arlington.  By recognizing annually an outstanding Innovations grant we honor Dawn Moses, a former AEF Board member who passed away in 2012.


This year the AEF Board unanimously identified Art.Food.Community., among the many Innovations grants we funded, as the one that most embodies Dawn’s spirit.


Thank you for sharing your talents and commitment with the students and teachers of the Thompson school, Arlington EATS and the larger Arlington community.

Best regards,


AEF Board President


The Arlington Education Foundation unanimously chose Art.Food.Community as the recipient of the Dawn Grant Award this year.

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